
To start with Jerry’s relatives, let me first introduce his father C.I.B. & FI & RU & EE CH Roxier’s Blue Maxam, Sakke. Sakke is owned by the breeder, Anita Muuronen, and he is HD-, CEA- and ED-free. He has passed mental test with +110 points.

Jerry’s mother, Roxier’s Star of Past, Sanja, is owned by the breeder. Sanja is HD-, CEA- and ED-free and has passed mental test with +174 points. Sanja has res. CC, CQ and excellent from shows.

Fanni's mother, Black Gary Touch of Love, Mimmi, is owned by the breeder. Mimmi is CEA- and ED-free, HD B/B. Mimmi has excellent &CQ from shows.

Jerry's handsome brothers and beautiful sisters:

C.I.B. & NORD & BALT & FI & SE & NO & RU & LV & LT & BY & EE & SI CH Roxier’s Blue Xaana is owned by Päivi Suni. Saana is HD-free, has CRD and passed mental test with +140 points.

 BY & LV & EE CH Roxier’s Black Xara, Kerttu, is owned by Sanna Kinnunen (kennel Dispiritos). Kerttu is s HD-, CEA- and ED-free.

Jerry proudly presents his brother and sister, Samu and Saaga, which become C.I.B. & FI & EE & LV CH at the age of 2 years and 11 months. Samu, C.I.B. & FI & EE & LT CH Roxier’s Blue Maxson, they have love-hate relationship with Jerry as brothers quite often have. Samu is owned by the breeder and he is HD-, CEA- and ED-free. Samu has passed mental test with +157 points.

C.I.B & NORD & BALT & FI & NO & SE & EE & LT & LV & RU & RKF CH, PMJV-09, HeW-10, HeW-11, NORDW-14 Roxier’s Polar Beauty, Saaga, is owned by Sari Kuukka (kennel Zaradi’s). Saaga is HD-, CEA- and ED-free and has passed mental test with +188 points.

Roxier’s Black Pearl, Sanni, is owned by Paula Vainikka and she is HD-, CEA- and ED-free. Sanni has CC and CQs from shows. Sanni passed BH test in spring 2012 and she’s training tracking.

Roxier’s Blue Xessa, Sanni, is owned by Päivi Tikkanen (kennel Scot Warriors). Sanni is HD- and ED-free and has crd. She has 2xCC from shows.

FI & LT CH LTV-14 Roxier’s Blue Xoolo, Soolo, is owned by Päivi Suni. Soolo is HD- and ED-free and has colomboma. She has passed mental test with +82 points.

Roxier's Madame X, Ansa, is owned by Sari Kuukka (kennel Zaradi's). Ansa is HD-free, elbows 0/1 and has crd. She has CC and res. CC from shows.

Roxier's Maximum Luxury, Wimma, is owned by Maarit Saarto. Wimma is HD- and ED-free and has crd. Wimma has passed BH test and from shows she has res. CC & CQ's.

Roxier's Maximum Mix, Routa, is owned by Eveliina Kaunisto and he is HD-, CEA- and ED-free. Routa has excellents from shows.

I want to introduce also Jerry's relatives:
Roxier’s Blue Honey, Hani, who is Jerry’s grandmother. Hani is owned by Paula Päivärinta, and she is HD- and CEA-free. Hani has two CCs and has been BOS veteran.

Roxier’s Blue Oscar, Oskari, is Jerry’s grandfather (CEA-free, hips A/B). Oskari has very good from show.

Quo Vadis Dina Dornröschen, Dina, was owned by the breeder and imported from Germany (HD- and CEA-free). Dina is Jerry’s grandmother and she passed mental test with +88 points. Dina has excellent from shows.

Roxier’s Sweet Exotic, Nelli, was my first collie and she is Jerry’s grandgrandmother. Nelli was HD- and CEA-free and passed mental test with +99 points. She got excellents, CQs and res CC from shows. She was also 3 x BOB veteran.

C.I.B. & FI & RU & EE CH EstW-99 W-99 EuW-00 Pl&PzSG-00 Roxier’s Bluexam, Sabi, is Jerry’s grandgrandfather, and he was owned by the breeder. Sabi was HD-and CEA-free and passed mental test with high +235 points. He was also competing in working trials, search (HK1).

C.I.B. & FI & LV & EE CH Working CH Pl&PzSG-92 EstW-93 Roxier’s Bluemax, Maxi, is the ancestor of Roxier’s collies. Maxi was owned by the breeder and was born in 1988. He was HD-and CEA-free and had passed mental test with +114 points. Maxi was working trial champion in search.

Anita's beautiful, beautiful collies below: grandmother Joutsenlammen Belka, father C.I.B. Roxier's Bluemax and son C.I.B. Roxier's Bluexam

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